

Swedish Fish NFP (Not For Profit) is a registered 501(c)(3) charity. Our Tax EIN is 83-1083725

Checks can be mailed to:

Swedish Fish NFP
6602 N Harding Ave
Lincolnwood, IL 60712


Goal $14,000
Total $15,204

The #SWEDisbackbaby Challenge!

Once again, we have done it, SWEDs!!

With our community spirit, generosity and goodwill, SWEDs have set a new record for fundraising through the #SWEDisbackbaby Challenge. With 50 individual donors participating, SWEDs raised an astonishing $15,204.27 since our matching challenge campaign started back in June! This is the highest amount we have ever achieved through a team fundraiser!

Through this year’s #SWEDisbackbaby Challenge funds raised, we aim to:  

  • Off-set payments for pool rental fees, such as at Uplift, JCC, Northside College Prep and other possible swim locations;

  • Subsidize swimmer fees to keep costs low and ensure more people can participate;

  • Host team events like the celebrated and successful “March Madness” swim meet;

  • And, new this campaign, give financial support to community partners to help provide aquatics programming to under-resourced CPS students who might not otherwise have the opportunity.

Chicago Swedish Fish Masters is a nonprofit, so all donations are tax-deductible.
Thank for helping us reach our goal and celebrating our great Swedish Fish community with its mission of “Building Relationships Through Swimming!”